Our focus is not just on creating another digital pet app but on fostering a genuine sense of connection, a feeling of caring for something that just happens to be digital. We’re bootloading a future where humans and companions interact naturally and intuitively, crafting emotionally positive experiences that enrich our digital lives.
Our focus is not just on creating another digital pet app but on fostering a genuine sense of connection, a feeling of caring for something that just happens to be digital. We’re bootloading a future where humans and companions interact naturally and intuitively, crafting emotionally positive experiences that enrich our digital lives.
The vastness of digital life often leaves people feeling isolated, and Bootloader aims to help fill this emotional vacuum.
into digital life.
Affective AI
At Bootloader, we are pioneering the integration of
At Bootloader, we are pioneering the integration of Affective AI into digital life.
We believe that Affective AI has huge potential to make technology more empathetic and responsive to human emotions.
We envision a vivid future where digital companions become integral to daily life, offering comfort, joy, and a sense of wellness through emotionally intelligent interactions.
As you interact with our pets, the joy, comfort, and sense of belonging you experience are genuine, stemming from the real emotional connections fostered by our technology.
Our flagship project involves developing interactive pets that can sense and respond to users' emotions, leveraging Affective AI to create a two-way emotional exchange. What makes this experience profoundly real is the authenticity of the emotions involved.
Affective AI is central to our digital companions. Our work has two key facets: interpreting human emotions and interacting to enhance human emotional states.
Affective AI and Bootloader
To understand the Affective AI we’re building, it’s helpful first to understand Affective Computing, which focuses particularly on emotion interpretation.
Affective AI is more than Affective Computing
Most companies today that use the term “Affective Computing”, “Affective AI”, or “Emotion AI” are in fact Affective Computing companies that leverage machine learning to do a better job of interpreting human emotion.
In controlled laboratory settings, affective computing is traditionally conducted where emotional responses are analyzed under static and passive conditions.
Affective Computing
We’re working to leverage Affective AI not just to decode emotional cues but to actively enhance users' emotional states. Our work in Affective AI advances further, developing the capability to understand and respond to users' emotions in ways that enhance their emotional state. Contact Us
At Bootloader we believe that Affective AI is much more than just the application of machine learning to accomplish Affective Computing better.
Affective AI
We’re initially focused on the Apple Vision Pro, which restricts access to facial expressions and eye gaze data. Applications like ours could benefit from that, delivering real value to the user. In the future, Apple could easily enable apps to access such data by letting users allow apps access via an app permission prompt, similar to how Apple allows apps to access user surroundings or the microphone, for example.
In the past, a research subject would visit an affective computing laboratory. With XR (VR/AR/MR) headsets, a substantial sensor bed is built-in in order to improve the user experience by making it intuitive and minimizing traditional user interfaces to facilitate direct, unimpeded interaction between the user and their environment. Those same sensors can be used to enable our AI to understand users' emotional states, forming the basis for meaningful and empathetic digital interactions.
The first facet of our Affective AI strategy involves using affective computing methodologies, employing sensors and machine learning algorithms to analyze user interactions through tone of voice, speech content, spatial interactions, head movements, and environmental context.
Interpreting Human Emotions
Furthermore, the Affective AI systems we’re building will formulate hypotheses based on these interactions, continuously refined through direct user feedback and experiences. This proactive and iterative process will allow each of our AIs to test its understanding of human emotions and improve the AI's ability to interact with emotional intelligence...all specific to one user.
Unlike the controlled conditions of a lab, our digital companions participate in real-time interactions, allowing for a more active and engaging experience. This interactive setting will enable our AIs to conduct A/B testing, where different stimuli and responses can be evaluated to see which ones elicit the most positive emotional reactions from the user, learning how to read and better respond to the user over time.
The second facet of our Affective AI strategy is engaging with users in ways that positively affect their emotional well-being. Our interactive pets are intended not just to interpret emotions but to respond in a nurturing and supportive manner.
Interacting to Enhance Human Emotional States
Both facets are integral to our mission at Bootloader. They enable us to create AI systems that will comprehend human emotions and use this understanding to deliver positive emotional experiences, thus enriching our digital lives.
Bootloader Position on Emotion Data and Regulation
Like medical devices regulated to protect privacy, emotion data should be similarly controlled. Smartwatches and rings, governed by law for data safety, show the need for strict rules.

We believe emotion data, sensitive and personal, deserves clear regulations to prevent misuse and protect privacy. Just as we regulate medical devices, we must enforce strict standards for handling emotion data. Bootloader fully supports such regulations.
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